A statement of solidarity with the Colombian people

-Press Release-

REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez

REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez

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A statement of solidarity with the Colombian people

Students and faculty of the Master in Migration Studies (MIMS) Program at the University of San Francisco would like to express its solidarity with Colombian citizens who have been victims of violent repression by their government during the ongoing national protests (El Paro Nacional).

Citizens took to the streets to protest a bill submitted by President Iván Duque, which would have raised taxes on public services and essential goods, the burden of which would have fallen on the middle- and working-classes. The bill, which has since been withdrawn, opened a political space for Colombians to express their discontent and demand the government address poverty, inequity, inequality and the increasing number of threats against human rights defenders. Nothing short of Colombian democracy is at stake.

The protests, which began on April 28th and were met with drastic police repression, leading to more than 30 deaths, 89 people reported missing, and more than 800 injured. In addition, activists have denounced arbitrary detentions, and cases of sexual violence.

The movement is made up of mostly young people who organized protests in several cities across Colombia. Social media played a key role in documenting the violence repression of activists. The government of President Iván Duque utterly failed to take action to de-escalate the situation.

MIMS is a mission-driven program that upholds the values of the University of San Francisco and is committed to the dignity and humanity of all peoples around the globe. As a program dedicated to training professionals to work with and for immigrants and refugees, we understand the violent roots of displacement and it is in this spirit we condemn the attacks on protesters. It is within this ongoing dedication for social justice that we respond to the events taking place in Colombia.

We call on the Colombian government to respect the rights of Colombian citizens to protest peacefully and to ensure the protection of their constitutional and human rights, well-being, and lives.


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