Migration Studies - Information Session
Learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program by joining us at an upcoming information session. Applications are currently welcome and reviewed for fall 2023 admission.

Migration Studies - Information Session
Learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program by joining us at an upcoming information session. Applications are currently welcome and reviewed for fall 2023 admission.

Migration Studies - Information Session
Learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program by joining us at an upcoming information session. Applications are currently welcome and reviewed for fall 2022 admission.

Migration Studies - Information Session
Learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program by joining us at an upcoming information session. Applications are currently welcome and reviewed for fall 2022 admission.

MIMS Symposium 2022
Join this 2-day event and hear from our Cohort 5 graduates as they present their research and projects.
DAY ONE: May 11, 2022
6:30 PM
Kalamanovitz Hall, 311
DAY TWO: May 12, 2022
6:30 PM
School of Education, 110

Flavio Bravo in Conversation with Professor Bill Hing
Join Flavio's Bravo, MIMS '19 and Professor Bill Hing as they discuss their Arizona upbringing, migrant rights and advocacy, and how these issues have led Bravo to run for state representative.

USF for Freedom Conference
Symposium on the International and Humanitarian Protections for Migrants and Refugees - Perspectives from Graduate Students, Leadership Ethics and Human Rights, Migration and Refugee Experts.
Dr. Amy Argenal, Adjunct Professor and MIMS Interim Program Director
Dr. Ilaria Giglioli, Assistant Professor, MAIS Master of International Studies
Prof. Bill Ong Hing, Professor and Director of the Immigration and Deportation Defense Clinic, Dean’s Circle Scholar

Sarah Dryden-Peterson in conversation with Monisha Bajaj and Esther Elonga
Price: Free (Registration Required)
A panel discussion exploring the book Right Where We Belong: How Refugee Teachers and Students Are Changing the Future of Education by Sarah Dryden-Peterson, published by Harvard University Press.
This event is presented by City Lights in conjunction with Refugee and Immigrant Transitions and a Consortium of Departments at the University of San Francisco

Connect with the work of Jesuit Refugee Services USA
This event is co-sponsored by the Master's in Migration Studies Program and McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education
LOCATION: School of Education Building, Room 110 (University of San Francisco)
SPEAKER: Josh Utter is the Outreach Officer of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA. He assists with JRS/USA’s effort to grow and mobilize a diverse and active constituency dedicated to defending the rights of refugees and displaced persons, and to advocate on behalf of U.S. policies that support refugee needs.
Josh is originally from Madison, WI and graduated with a B.A. in Spanish and International Studies from Loras College in Dubuque, IA. He is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona, and is working towards a Master of Social Work at Arizona State University.

Migration Studies - Information Session
There’s still time to apply for Fall 2022 admission! Join our upcoming info session to learn more from our Program Director. The application deadline is April 1st!

Climate Migration: How Countries Use Tech for Border Security Over Human Security
Facilitators: Amali Tower, Todd Miller, Nik Evasco
Nik Evasco graduated with a master's in Migration Studies from the University of San Francisco in 2019.
Climate change is driving migration, but responsible polluting countries are using surveillance technology to not only keep migrants out, but also obfuscate the message and securitize migrants as the threat instead of the real threat of climate change.
We aim to hold a discussion with technologists, activists, journalists and researchers, where we present how climate change is driving migration and displacement. Such migration across borders is expected to increase, which could present legal gaps for the displaced at a time when countries are already hostile to migrants and refugees. Rich, high-emitting countries, aware of the legal gaps that cross-border climate migration poses, are choosing to finance border walls, tech surveillance and border enforcement rather than finance climate mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage that would actually help migrants-at risk. importantly, polluting countries are using surveillance technologies that violate migrant and refugee rights, environmental, digital and privacy rights.
Migration Studies - Information Session
Learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program by joining us at an upcoming information session. The final date to apply for Fall 2022 admission is April 1st!
Migration Studies - Information Session
The priority application date for Fall 2022 is fast approaching! Tune into our upcoming info session to learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program and how to apply for Fall 2022. Priority application date is February 1st. Final application date is April 1st.

Migration Studies - Information Session
Register for our first info session of the new year! This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program. Priority application date is February 1st. Final application date is April 1st.

Migration Studies - Information Session
Join the last virtual info session of the year! Tune in Friday, December 3, 2021 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PDT to learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program. Attendees will receive a $55 application fee waiver.
The application date for Fall 2022 is February 1st!

Migration Studies - Information Session
Join our virtual info session on Friday, November 12, 2021 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PDT to learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program. Attendees will receive a $55 application fee waiver.
The application date for Fall 2022 is February 1st!
Migration Studies - Information Session
Mark your calendars! Join our virtual info session on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM PDT to learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program. Attendees will receive a $55 application fee waiver.

Understanding Migration Through Children's Literature
Join MIMS on September 30th for a virtual discussion with authors Suzanne Llewellyn (Berta Saves the River) and Belinda Arriaga Hernandez (Love and Monsters in Sofia's Life). Moderated by Maria Autrey, this event will explore themes of migration in children’s literature.
Maria Autrey (she/they) is an educator and activist from Mexico, and currently a doctoral candidate of the IME HRE Ed.D at USF. Maria's research focuses on liberatory sexuality education, exploring the use of critical pedagogy in grassroots projects that foster social change. Maria is the creator of Beyond Border Storytime, a website that features narrated children’s books that focus on migration.
Belinda Arriaga Hernandez has a doctorate in Education, and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with eighteen years experience working in community mental health, with a specialization in child trauma and Latino Mental Health. Her current research is focused on understanding the emotional, psychological and traumatic experiences that impact undocumented and mixed status Latino youth. Belinda’s work also focuses on understanding the cultural arts as a healing space for this community of children. Belinda is committed to social justice advocacy and multicultural practices in counseling that gives voice to underground communities and expand indigenous cultural practices in the field of counseling.
Suzanne Llewellyn grew up in Montana and enjoyed an administrative career at the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Public Health. After retiring she became an immigrant rights advocate. She traveled to Honduras several times with the SHARE Foundation and the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity to learn about root causes of migration from Honduras. She arrived on her first trip shortly after Berta Cáceres was murdered.
This story reflects what she learned and her desire to express solidarity with Hondurans fighting for their right to stay home rather than being forced to migrate. All profits are donated to Honduran communities struggling for their land, water, and resource rights against a corrupt government. Berta’s mother, Austra Bertha Flores Lopez, and Padre Ishmael Moreno (Fr. Melo), director of a Jesuit organization in Honduras that hosts these delegations, blessed the story before it was published. They will ensure it supports those who are fighting for their right to thrive in their own country.

11th Annual Critical Diversity Studies Forum
“Moving Toward Radical Imagination” with adrienne maree brown
In this year’s Critical Diversity Studies Forum, we will examine the role of radical imagination. We will ask: In what directions do we want to grow: as individuals, communities, and a nation? How can we allow those most impacted by violence to lead us? How can we reimagine and construct new systems, practices, and relations that are rooted in collective care, accountability, justice, and joy?
Join the College of Arts & Sciences and Critical Diversity Studies for a conversation with adrienne maree brown and how we can radically reimagine the world around us.

Migration Studies - Information Session
Mark your calendars! Join our virtual info session on Monday, September 13, 2021 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM PDT to learn more about the Master’s in Migration Studies Program. Attendees will receive a $55 application fee waiver.

Understanding the Coup: Activism for Democracy in Myanmar
Join leaders and activists as they share their work to support communities in Myanmar fighting for democracy. Jane Pak, co-Ed from Refugee and Immigrant Transitions will be our discussant to lead us through a dialogue on youth activism, the National Unity Government and the role of transnational solidarity.

Migration Studies - Information Session
With more than 230 million global citizens living outside their home countries, international migration is one of the most critical issues facing the global community in the 21st century. The challenges that these global citizens face are the focus of this master’s program, where we prepare professionals to better the lives of migrants and refugees throughout the world.
Attend our information session to learn more! RSVP HERE.
The next application date is June 21 for fall 2021 admission.

Migration Studies - Information Session
MIMS has a wide-ranging curriculum that provides students the opportunity to analyze immigration from multiple disciplinary perspectives and direct experience with scholars, service providers, and migrants. Learn more about the master's program by joining our upcoming info session. Friday, May 14, 2021 at 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM PDT. Register here.

Farmworkers in California during COVID-19
Join the Dreamer Fund and the University of San Francisco’s Center for Latina/o Studies in the Americas on May 5, 2021 for a conversation about farmworkers in California during COVID-19. Speakers will highlight the current difficulties faced by our farm-working community and immigrant families in the Bay Area with representatives from Bay Area Border Relief and Ayudando a Latinos A Sonar.
Zoom link: usfca.zoom.us/j/7353832064

Migration Studies - Information Session
Miss the April 1st application deadline? No worries! Join our next information session to learn how you can join the MA in Migration Studies Program at USF. Monday, April 26, 2021 at 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM PDT. Register here.

Conference on Immigration and Social Justice on African and Afro-Caribbean Migration in the Bay Area
The African Advocacy Network (AAN) and the University of San Francisco (USF) Master in Migration Studies present the first ever Conference on Immigration and Social Justice on African and Afro-Caribbean Migration in the Bay Area. We will explore the intersection of immigration and social integration, with a focus on the key issues facing Black and African immigrant communities in the Bay Area. Our discussion will include leaders and community organizations, policymakers, as well as students and academics.

From Activism to Public Service: LA Councilmember Gil Cedillo
CELASA is honored to welcome Los Angeles City Councilmember Gilbert Cedillo (D-1) as our Keynote Speaker for Activist Week. The virtual event is co-sponsored by Master of Migration Studies, Master of Arts in Urban Planning and Urban Affairs, and USF Politics Department. Councilmember Cedillo (D-1) will be discussing community and hope during the time of COVID and looking back to his long record of activism and why activism continues to matter.

Immigration Policy under the Biden Administration: The Fight for a More Just Immigration System
Join the free webinar and Q&A Discussion presented by the East Bay Sanctuary Covenant (EBSC). Moderated by USF Law and Migration Studies Professor Bill Ong Hing. Hear national experts discuss key aspects of Biden’s immigration policy- what has changed, what still needs to be done, and how we can hold the Biden Administration accountable moving forward.

Dreamer Fund Presents: Bill Ong Hing's Birthday Celebration
Join us Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 5:00pm to celebrate Prof. Bill Ong Hing for a surprise birthday celebration via Zoom. We will have live performances by Diana Gameros, Crystal Monee Hall, féi hernandez, LOUDA & Los Bad Hombres, and many more. We will be honoring Prof. Hing and his selfless contributions to the immigrant and undocumented community by unveiling a new scholarship in his name, the Bill Ong Hing Undocumented Student Scholarship.