Newly launched Red Iniciativa Centroamerica
Professor Bill Hing, together with partners in the region, will be leading the efforts in rethinking the migration realities in Central America and, especially the U.S. policy towards the region.
Red Iniciativa Centroamerica is a collaborative network that seeks to promote an innovative research agenda on Central America, characterized by a multidisciplinary, historical, comparative, and with a political economy approach. The network is led by our fellow Jesuit university, Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain), from its Development Institute.
The Red ICA is an open initiative that will initially include the participation of the following institutions (the representatives are mentioned beside the institution):
American University, Center for Latin American and Latino Studies. Eric Hershberg, Ernesto Castaneda.
Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL), Sede Subregional en México. Hugo Beteta.
Fundación Programa Regional de Investigación sobre Desarrollo y Medioambiente (PRISMA). Susan Kandel, Nelson Cuellar, Rafael Cartagena.
Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI). Jonathan Menkos.
Programa Estado de la Nación. Alberto Mora.
Universidad Centroamericana de Nicaragua, Universidad Centroamericana de El Salvador, Universidad Rafael Landívar en Maestría en Integración regional centroamericana y Desarrollo (MICAD). Carolina Villatoro, Luis Padilla.
Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA). Mario Zetino.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Marisa Ramos.
Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (Juliana Martínez Franzoni) y Centro de Información y Estudios Políticos (Juliana Martínez Franzoni y Alberto Cortes).
Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Instituto de Desarrollo. Pedro Caldentey, Vicente González, Alexander Segovia.
Universitat de Girona. Salvador Martí Puig.
University of Denver, Institute for Comparative and Regional Studies. Aaron Schneider.
University of Oslo, Centre for Development and the Environment. Benedicte Bull.
University of Oxford, Latin America Centre. Diego Sánchez Ancochea.
University of San Francisco, Master in Migration Studies (MIMS) Bill Hing, Jesús de la Torre.
In addition, individual academics and intellectuals will join the Red ICA.
To learn more about Red Iniciativa Centroamerica, read the press release here.